One Mother, One Family

Mary’s Armor is a Divinely inspired Marian movement that came into existence in April of 2020. Our organization is devoted to spreading Christian living by praying for the forsaken, serving the Church, and spreading God’s words. By the grace of God and through the assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we have members in seventeen countries.

With the assistance of our true lovers and the guidance of our Blessed Virgin May, we hope to enrich more lives by enlightening minds and spirits on the words and works of the Lord. We at Mary’s Armor believe that by doing so, we may be able to help more people free themselves from their sins and troubles as Christ, the Savior, has done for us.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create awareness and promote consecration to Jesus through Immaculate Heart of Mary worldwide by holding consecration preparations, Marian schools, conferences, and other special projects that will empower men and women who are already consecrated. As Catholics, many of us know of Mother Mary but do not truly know Her. This ministry will help people grow in our Faith by developing a stronger relationship with Jesus through our better understanding of the Blessed Mother.

Our Mission

  • To empower consecrated men and women on how to grow spiritually in our faith as they grow closer to Jesus through Blessed Virgin Mary. (During my discussions with many people in order to substantiate the need for this ministry, I found out that a lot of people don’t know about consecration to Jesus through Mother Mary and those that know, didn’t know what to do after consecration. Most of them thought that once consecrated, there is no other obligations or they don’t have to do anything else anymore).
  • Creating an ongoing Consecration awareness and 33 days consecration retreats globally through our online platform and physical gathering in the dioceses and parishes.
  • Ongoing education on how to maintain and live life of holiness after Consecration by applying Mother’s virtues in their practical everyday living both at home, work and everywhere.
  • The ways we accomplished these through our unique spirituality approach are:
    • Maria movement: Consecration to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Life after consecration: 1. Daily renewal prayers, 2. Weekly prayers, 3. Monthly meeting / prayers (1st Saturday Devotion), 5. Annual International Conference 6. Annual Renewal of Consecration 7. Ongoing consecration retreat of new members.
    • Visitation of the Blessed Sacrament (Daily or Weekly Visit)
    • Scriptural: Lectio Divina- Contemplative Prayer
  • To be the Foundation that flow into the Marian Conference in the dioceses and globally